CCQM Online Workshop on Digital and FAIR Chemical and Biological Reference Data and Certificates:
Challenges and Opportunities
9 - 12 September, 2024

Meeting details

The BIPM is assisting in the development of the SI Digital Framework – the network of tools, services, and applications that instantiate the Digital SI – assures that measurements are FAIR, machine-readable, machine-actionable, and support digital metrological traceability.

The development and promotion of an SI Digital Framework will include the following features

In the near term the objectives include establishing high-quality machine-useable open-access points to all relevant data, services and tools where their qualities are regularly controlled and verified, including the Key Comparison Database (CMC lists) and JCTLM database.

To progress this objective, the CCQM is organizing an online workshop on Digital and FAIR Chemical and Biological Reference Data and Certificates following three themes.

Session Themes

9 September

Challenges with unique interoperable identifiers in the Chem/Bio area

10 September

Digitalization of CRM certificates

11 September

Best practice in developing databases for Chem/Bio data that meet FAIR principles

12 September


Presentations from panelists

Theme panelists will prepare pre-recorded presentations following the themes of their session. These will be available for viewing by registered participants from 15 July 2024 (expected date). Comments and questions can be posted by participants on the website, and these will form part of the discussions during the days of the workshop.
During the online sessions panelists will give a 5 minutes presentations summarizing the main points of their pre-recorded presentation, and then to engage in the panel/participant discussion session. Each session will have a session moderator and rapporteur, and the outcomes that are expected form each session are described in the section below.

Expected outcomes of the Workshop

Challenges with unique interoperable identifiers in the Chem/Bio area

Digitalization of CRM certificates

Best practice in developing databases for Chem/Bio data that meet FAIR principles