CCQM Online Workshop on Digital and FAIR Chemical and Biological Reference Data and Certificates:
Challenges and Opportunities
9 - 12 September, 2024


Moulham Alsuleman

Data Management in the Life Sciences: Addressing the Practical Challenges of Units, Identifiers, and FAIR Principles

Björn-Erik Erlandsson

Overcoming challenges in international standardization to produce timely, efficient and reliable interoperable identifiers in the Chem/Bio area

Young Bae l.  Hansen

The IFCC-IUPAC coding system

Richard Hartshorn

The International Chemical Identifier (InChI)

Janet Miles

Introduction to the SI digital transformation

Jeff Shick

An open-source platform as a solution to global unique identification of pharmaceutical-related substances, from key starting materials to dispensed products

Philip Strömert

Which current chemical ontologies can be used to identify and describe FAIR chemical research data

Elvar Theodorsson


Stephanie Maniguet


Dinis Camara

The NIST Approach to the Digital Transformation of Reference Materials and DRMCs

Steve Ellison

Digital representation of measurement uncertainty

Helena Grabarevic

Digital CRM and Blockchain enabled certificates for the Cannabis Industry at MERCK

Mark Greiner

Digital CRM and Blockchain enabled certificates for the Cannabis Industry at MERCK

Juris Meija

Progress with Digital Certificates at NRC

Michael Melzer

The Digital RM Certificate Derived from the DCC

Toru Miura

Fujifilm experiences on COA and CRM certificate digitalization

Xingchuang Xiong

Recent Progression of Digitalization for metrology in NIM

Adriaan van der Veen


Robert Wielgosz


Evan Bolton

The quest to make all data provenance known within PubChem

Stuart Chalk

The IUPAC Gold Book: Modeling Chemical Concept Definitions

Bob Hanisch

FAIR Data Repositories:  Development, Operations, and Sustainability

Nicole Jung

Linking electronic lab notebooks to research data repositoriesin the domain of chemistry

Carsten Kettner

STRENDA DB – a Web-based Assessment and Storage Tool for Enzymology Data

Stephanie Maniguet

Introducing FAIR principles into the KCDB

John Mund

Key Learnings: A case study of BIPM’s greenhouse gas scale comparisons database

Ben Place

The DIMSpec Project: developing a FAIR open-source database for analytical chemistry data

Kim Sunghwan

The quest to make all data provenance known within PubChem

Adriaan van der Veen

A database system for handling the production and supply of gaseous reference materials

Carlos Gonzalez


Angelique Botha


Elvar Theodorsson & Stephanie Maniguet

Key points and recommendations on unique interoperable identifiers in the Chem/Bio area

Adriaan van der Veen & Robert Wielgosz

Key points and recommendations on Digitalization of CRM certificates

Carlos Gonzalez & Angelique Botha

Key points and recommendations on best practice in developing databases for Chem/Bio data that meet FAIR principles

Carlos Gonzalez


Juris Meija
