CCQM Online Workshop on Digital and FAIR Chemical and Biological Reference Data and Certificates:
Challenges and Opportunities
9 - 12 September, 2024


Björn-Erik Erlandsson


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Björn-Erik Erlandsson, Ph. D. Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, Applied Electronics. Professor, Senior Advisor at Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, technology and quality in health care. Research and development, quality and regulatory issues from international industries, Siemens and Nobel Industries. Director of Medical Informatics and Technology, University Hospital, Umeå and Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Professor Medical Technology. Standardization work in medical technology and health informatics, chairman of SIS/TK334, Swedish HoD at standardization organizations; CEN and ISO, Chairman of the JWG on Software and Medical Equipment (SAMD) within CEN/CENELEC. Convenor at ISO/TC215 Health Informatics Standardization, WG1 Architecture, Framework and Models. Chairman of the Board of HL7 Sweden, affiliate to HL7 International. Member of Advisory Board, Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services, SBU 2000-2015. Member of different governmental committees at Ministry of Health and Social Affairs regarding It strategies in healthcare and telemedicine and in the development of National Information Structure at the Swedish National Board for Health and Welfare. Member of evaluation board at to Vinnova in Biotechnique – Biomedicine and at Swedish Research Council, Biomedical Engineering. Expert/Evaluator for academic positions at different universities. Invited speaker at different conferences in the area medical engineering and informatics. Supervisor in different thesis work. Member of the Swedish Society of Medicine, the Swedish Federation for Medical Informatics (chairman 2009-2010) and the Swedish Society for Medical Engineering and Physics, chairman of the certification committee. Consulting activities regarding the EU´s Medical Devices Directive, EU-projects. Coordinator EU policies at the Life Science Technology Platform at KTH 2012-2016. Moderator of the Working Group to Health and Medical Data Analytics, EIT Health HMDA. Expert to the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority 2011-2013 regarding Death in the heart clinic’s cardiac intensive care unit at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna, Stockholm.