CCQM Online Workshop on Digital and FAIR Chemical and Biological Reference Data and Certificates:
Challenges and Opportunities
9 - 12 September, 2024


Young Bae l.  Hansen

Medical doctor

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Young Bae Lee Hansen graduated as a medical doctor at Copenhagen University, Denmark and later completed a Ph.D. thesis at Copenhagen University, Denmark and educated as a clinical biochemist. Currently, he is working as a consultant at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, North Zealand Hospital, Denmark. He has been affiliated to the NPU terminology since 2016 and is the chair of Joint committee of Subcommittee (IUPAC) and Committee (IFCC) of Nomenclature for Properties and Units (NPU) terminology (SC-C-NPU). Furthermore, he is liaison representative for International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) at ISO/TC215 Health Informatics Standardization.