Philip Strömert works as an ontologist at the Lab Linked Scientific Knowledge of the Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology (TIB) within the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) Consortium for Chemistry (NFDI4Chem). He received his M.A. from Potsdam University, Germany, in English linguistics & culture studies (major), comparative religion and literature studies (minors), and was previously trained as a physics lab assistant. Before coming to TIB, he worked five years as an IT-assistant in the UX & marketing research industry at Eye-Square and another 5+ years as an IT-admin, knowledge engineer and data curator at the German Cancer Society, where he helped setting up an evidence-based knowledge base for patient counselling. Before getting involved in NFDI4Chem, he worked at the publication services as well as at the Open Science Lab of TIB, where he managed Open Access funds, validated bibliographic metadata, did research information analyses on open access publishing and developed the metadata schema and ontology for the academic event registry ConfIDent. In the context of NFDI4Chem, he is involved in the integration of ontologies into metadata and data schemas, the creation of chemical knowledge graphs for FAIR research data management, as well as the development of the TIB and NFDI4Chem Terminology Service. He also contributes to OBO ontologies, such as CHMO, MOP/RXNO, CHEMINF, OBI, IAO, and RO, leads the development of the Vibrational Spectroscopy Ontology (VIBSO), co-organizes the annual Ontologies4Chem workshop, and chairs the NFDI wide Working Group for Ontology Harmonization & Mapping.